Specialist in foundation piles production

Ankorig is founded on twenty years’ experience as a foundation piles manufacturer and in the rolling process for self-drilling bars, thanks to the support of specialists that have been designing and developing products and services for operators in the field of geotechnical applications since the 1990s.

Timely and custom service

Thanks to its matured experience, Ankorig works very closely with its customers to support themin all types of application, customising the product according to the specific application required by the jobsite.

The distinguishing features of Ankorig as a foundation piles manufacturer are its precision and rapidity of execution, which result in custom and timely service. Customer orders are received and processed within 24 hours for in-stock material and 72 hours for material to be put into production.

Products for various applications

Our products (Foundation piles, self-drilling bars, pre-injected bars, solid full-threaded bars) may be used in a full range of applications: casing, bolting tunnelling and mining and for ground and slope consolidation in general.


Foundation piles and other products supplied by Ankorig are accompanied by certificates attesting to their chemical and physical characteristics. Upon customer request, we also provide laboratory tests, carried out at accredited and certified laboratory. Ankorig has implemented internal operational procedures, consistent with the certification process, aimed at mapping all the stages of company processes. This guarantees the full traceability of the product, for both in-stock material and material shipped to the customer.

All Ankorig products are tested and certified according to the ISO 9001-2008 quality process:

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